With the coming of the new year, I have been thinking about how much I do miss this web site. I noticed that I still have 47 followers even though I have not posted in over eight months. I am thinking this might be the time to make my comeback, but on a smaller scale.
I think I started this site for the right reasons, to help others who are having financial issues like my family was. But then I think I got greedy and tried to figure out ways to make money doing it. And I think that was my fall. Tis better to give than to receive, right? I have learned my lesson, and have changed my ways.
I will not be posting everyday, but will try to post every weekend. I am hoping my loyal followers will have some good tips for me like you always do. If you write a blog and would like to be a guest poster during the week, let me know.
So, what have I been doing for the last 8 months. Well.....I am still working at the same full-time job I had got while writing. It is still going great, and we are busier than ever. That is a good thing to have a little job security. My husband did start up his used car dealership back in May. And last month was their best month so far! It is just my husband and his father running the dealership and a friend of his and his son rent the attached repair shop in the back. They seem to be busier than they have ever been. Working a full-time job and your husband in the first year of a new business can be quite challenging. He is working at least 11 hours a day, six days a week. We are lucky enough that he is home to get the kids on the bus in the morning, and I am home by the time they get off in the afternoon.
Which bring me to the kids. They are all doing great. A honor roll for my oldest her first year in middle school. The boys are in elementary school and doing great grades too. I am still driving them to all their different activities, and with the foot of snow we had over the Christmas break, even that has been challenging lately.
Financially our family is doing a little better. We are still frugal, or as my friend at work called me today, cheap. But we keep saying that as soon as the economy bounces back, we will now know how to live and we will flourish because of it. I am just waiting for that day now......any time now......please.....
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A blog about living within your means in todays world, while being married, raising three kids, working full-time, and trying not to go crazy in the process.
welcome back!
I'm waiting for the miraculous economic recovery, too. I am sure it will happen this year, though!
I don't "follow" per say,but I do subscribe.It was good to see you back with us:)I am glad to hear all is going well with you and yours.
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