I just have to take this time to do a little more bragging about my kids. As many of you know the two older kids are in competition dance. As you are driving them five days a week to classes, spending oodles of money on gas and food, not to mention how expensive it is just to be able to dance. You start to wonder why you are doing it all.
Last weekend the kids did a new competition, and I remembered why I put forth all the money and effort.

They made the same dance team this year, so they are in all the same dances. That really helps when taking pictures, as they always match and look so nice. This is their tap costume. The studio made Chuck Taylor's into tap shoes for the kids. Expensive, but oh so cute.

This is their jazz costume. They do real good at this dance. It is my favorite of the year so far.

During the awards, they pulled out a few kids to award them with a special "Parade of Stars award. With this award they can come and dance at their nationals for free and do a special opening number. Ali got chosen out of their jazz dance. She was completely shocked, and I was so very proud. She is not doing a solo this year, so for her to get picked out of the group dance was a real honor. The above picture is on the competitions web site for the rest of this year.
So, this is exactly why my husband & I drive 40 minutes one way, five days a week to let our kids dance. I am so very proud of both of them, they look so darn cute, but maybe I'm a little bias.
Russ & Judy Here... Great PIC's of the kids... And we are really proud of their dancing skills. Would love to go see them when we get home...I hear your folks bought in Sun City.. Not too far from us.. No excuse to not come visit. Have a great weekend.
All moms are biased about how wonderful their kids are (well, all the good moms, anyway, haha!), but in this case you are right... They are adorable!
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