Coupon Mommie was kind enough to give me this award. THANK YOU! Now I need to pass them on…here we go!
Excellence in Blogcasting Award:
The rules with this award are to do the following:
1) Post the award on my blog
2) Pass it on to some friends, up to 15
3) I have to let them know they've received the award.
So, here's some of the people I enjoy reading everyday and this award is now theirs to pass on as well.
Thanks for the award! I'm honored!
How funny! I just popped over here after remembering you had commented on my How We Came To Be post and I wanted to say "hi".
Thanks so much for the award!
What a beautiful family you have!
Please stop by and say "hi" occassionally and I will do the same :)
Thank you so much for thinking of me.
Thank you! I just did an award dealio - so probably won't be passing this one along, but I am planning to do the Easter Basket Challenge!
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