I have mentioned Cash Crate before, and it is a slow but stead form of income for myself. At this point it is covering a tank of gas every month. It's not a ton of money, but I am not going to turn down money of any kind. Here is how Cash Crate works:
First of all sign up. Be sure to have a spam e-mail account that you are using. Otherwise your e-mail account will be flooded with hundreds of unwanted e-mails a day.
Go into Members area (under your name) to see what offers are available.
There is a Cash Offers page. Those are the offers that you can do to earn the dollar amount that is displayed next to it. There is a daily survey link to do up to two daily surveys for money also.
How many offers you do is entirely up to you. You can do one hundred a day, or do just the daily surveys every day. The more you do, the more you make.
Once every month on the 15th, they send you a check out if you have cleared more than $20.00. It is really that easy! This past month I made $25.28. I have kept a running total on the side bar as to how much money I have made with Cash Crate. I am not breaking the bank, but it is great extra spending money.
If you have any questions about Cash Crate, please e-mail me and I will answer your questions.
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