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Friday, January 9, 2009

Freebie Friday

I haven't had the time to do a good Freebie Friday in awhile. So I figure it is about time I get back into the swing of doing them. After all, free is the best price around!

Free Burger King Whopper (members of Facebook only)

Free Mag Flashlight (funny little game show, when it is all of above, pick that one)

Thanks to "Deal"icious Mom, Freebies4Mom & Hey It's Free for these great freebies!

1 comment:

E said...

Thanks for your site!
FYI, the Mag Lite link goes to, some sort of farm products company.

A blog about living within your means in todays world, while being married, raising three kids, working full-time, and trying not to go crazy in the process.