I have to admit, this was the cheapest Black Friday I ever had.
Instead of shopping at the crack of dawn, my husband drove a car to Kansas City and back (15 hours round trip) while the three kids & I cleaned out our unfinished basement. It took us around 10 hours to sift through all the junk. We ended up with two full garbage cans for pick-up and four bags to go to the thrift store for donation.
We found things that we had been looking for, and Timmy found toys he had forgotten about. The kids can now roller blade and Timmy can ride his big wheel all winter long downstairs.
So while everybody else was fighting for the newest toy and getting upset about not finding parking spots, I had a lovely day with my kids and got a huge job finished. By the way, we finished up the night eating sugar cookies we made and watching Polar Express. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect Black Friday.
Hmmmm we had the same idea on how to end the day....We also watched Polar Express, and now Daniel is convinced that Santa is going to bring him a bell this year, because he believes.
OMG - look at the picture you used - ugh! I cannot for the life of me figure out why people do that!
We also had a change of pace this Black Friday-instead of shopping we stayed in all day. We took out Christmas decorations, baked chocolate chip cookies, and just got the house all ready for Christmas! I loved it!!!
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